Cargo insurance
During a shipment, when something goes wrong, compensation is calculated according to the rules set out in the “Limited Liability Clause”. According to it, damaged or lost cargo during transportation is assessed by weight rather than its value. Therefore, the compensation received in case of damage will in most cases be much lower than the commercial value of the goods.
Cargo insurance covers the entire amount of loss or damage occurring during transport and caused by any external factor.
The benefits provided by the cargo insurance include:
– Multi-currency calculation of the premium value;
– All compatibility with international financial regulations;
– There is no need to deposit a bank guarantee.
Experience in this field allows us to offer a simplified and easy-to-manage insurance service:
– An insurance policy designed by our risk management specialists;
– Competitive rates with / without franchise, depending on the type of goods (fragile / non-fragile);
– Coverage for one or more shipments;
– Coverage for high-risk cargo and to destinations around the world.
For everything to follow the plan, we make sure that the goods arrive in good time under the best conditions. Insurances are optional but are often indicated for important items or fragile goods.
With us, all your products are safe!